dimecres, 10 de juny del 2009


1. Explica per què es considera la cèl·lula la unitat fonamental dels éssers vius. Cells, like other living beings, are constantly active wich allows them to stay alive and produce descendants. They carry out the functions of nutrition, interaction and reproduction
2. Escriu el nom dels orgànuls i de les parts de les cèl·lules eucariotes que es corresponen amb les funcions proposades

Digestió .......................................
Locomoció .......................................
Magatzem de nutrients .......................................
Fotosíntesi .......................................
Síntesi de proteïnes .......................................
Suport de la cèl·lula .......................................

3. Fes una llista dels aparells i sistemes que formen el cos humà. Quines són els tres funcions vitals dels éssers vius? Quins aparells i sistemes participen en cadascuna d'elles. ( contesta al full apart.)


4. Relaciona els termes següents (escriu a la dreta de la segona columna què són):

Heart: organ
Onion Epidermis: tissue
Red blood cell: cell
A cat: organism
Nervous system: apparatus
A potato plant: organism
5. Indica si són veritables (V) o falses (F) les afirmacions següents.

The bigger animals have bigger cells than the smaller animals. false
There are no organisms made up of only one cell.
Bacteria have no nucleus. veritable
The shape of cells is very varied.
Vegetables are made up of procaryotic cells.
All eucaryotic cells have cell organelles. false
Procaryotic cells have got a cytoplasm. false
We usually measure the length of a cell in centimetres.

6. Explain the most important differences between the two main kinds of cells:

Eucaryotic cells Procaryotic cells


Nucleus: Nucleus is not separated from
the rest cell.


Write down any other additional difference between them that it is worth mentioning.
8. Com es classifiquen els teixits del cos humà? Fes-ne un esquema o explica els quatre tipus bàsics de teixits i les seves diferents classes.


1.The part of the eye that focuses light is the:

2. The part of the eye that controls how much light enters the eye is the:

3. The part of the eye that converts light into electrical energy is the:

4. Both eyes are needed to judge the distance of an oncoming car:

5.The semi-circular canals are the part of the ear used to detect the direction of sound.

6. A reflex action means that your hand is being drawn away from a hot plate before the brain is aware that you are in pain.

7. The part of the ear that converts vibrations in to electrical signals is the:
a.ear drum.


1. What is the eye an example of?
A sense organ.

2.Which type of neurone transmits a signal from a sense organ to the central nervous system?

3. Which type of neurone transmits a signal from the central nervous system to an effector such as a muscle?

4. What is a synapse?
A junction between two neurones.

5. Which part of the nervous system is not involved in producing reflex actions?


1. Which statement about proteins is correct?
They are made from amino acids and are used for growth and repair.

2. RDA for protein is calculated using this equation: RDA in g = 0.75 × body mass in kg. What is the RDA for an 80 kg person?
60 g

3. BMI is calculated using this equation: BMI = mass in kg ÷ (height in m)2. What is the BMI an of 80 kg person who is 2 m tall?

4. A person with a BMI of 18 is likely to be:

5. Food passes along the gut by:
Waves of muscle contractions.

6. What do lipases digest?

7. Which statement about bile is correct?
The correct statement about bile is: It is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.

8. Which statement about bile is correct?
The correct statement about bile is: It is alkaline and emulsifies fats.

1.What type of cells make up the solid part of the blood?

2.The liquid part of the blood is called

3.What is the force that makes the circulatory system work?


Influenza a contagious disease of birds and mammals caused by a type of RNA virus In humans affects the respiratory tract, may initially be similar to a cold and often accompanied by general symptoms like fever, sore throat, weakness, muscle pain, stomach pain , joint , and head , cough ,and general malaise . In some severe cases may be complicated by pneumonia, which can be fatal, especially in young children and especially in the elderly The flu is transmitted from infected individuals via aerosol droplets laden with viru, which are issued with coughing or sneezing or hablar.La to influenza is transmitted from infected individuals through aerosol droplets laden with virus, which are issued with coughing or sneezing or hablar.
Only transmissible by blood and the surfaces or objects contaminated with viruses, which are called fomites. The flu is distributed in seasonal epidemics which cause hundreds of thousands of deaths that will be millions of years in the pandemic. During the twentieth century there were five flu pandemics. Treatment is symptomatic and only in serious cases and only hospital is keeping constant, because the antiviral drugs have limited efficacy and not without toxicity.
Antibiotics are only useful if there is associated bacterial infection. The swine flu is an infectious disease caused by any virus belonging to the family Orthomyxoviridae, which is endemic in pig populations. Although the swine flu does not affect regular human population, there are sporadic cases of infections in humans. Generally, these cases occur in those working with poultry and pigs The swine flu infects people every year, and is often found in those who had contact with pigs in a job Symptoms in humans include: increased nasal discharge, cough, sore throat, high fever, malaise, loss of appetite, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea and, in cases of bad outcome, disorientation, loss of consciousness and, occasionally, death.